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Anti-Cellulite Treatments in Brighton

Brighton technicians for incredible anti cellulite treatments!

There are few people that don’t have cellulite giving them an orange peel effect, mostly on the legs and bottom, which is caused by fatty deposits under the skin. It seems to appear from nowhere, but it is tricky to get rid of it, those that feel it affects their self-confidence often look for the best anti-cellulite treatment in Brighton.

Brighton technicians for incredible anti cellulite treatments!

There are few people that don’t have cellulite giving them an orange peel effect, mostly on the legs and bottom, which is caused by fatty deposits under the skin. It seems to appear from nowhere, but it is tricky to get rid of it, those that feel it affects their self-confidence often look for the best anti-cellulite treatment in Brighton.

A range of treatments available!

There is a number of treatments available at the clinics and salons in the city like laser and radiofrequency treatments, but you can also use a cellulite machine at home, massage rollers and paddles which are perfect if you don’t want to try something hi tec.

The most popular treatments!

Laser treatments and radiofrequency treatment are quite similar. Laser treatment uses a thin fibre that is inserted into the skin to deliver a laser, which converts to heat, to the fatty deposits under the skin to break down the fibrous bands that bind together the fat and cause the appearance of cellulite. Radiofrequency uses heat too, but this heat is generated by radiofrequency and needs several sessions. Clients like to know what other people think, and many find that laser treatment is the most effective cellulite treatment available with results lasting for around six months to a year.

Other alternative options!

Cryolipolysis, also referred to as CoolSculpting, will use a vacuum suction on the fat below the skin to raise the tissue towards cooling plates. The results from this treatment can take a couple of months with the effects gradually becoming visible. Acoustic wave therapy is another treatment available for cellulite, this uses sound waves via a gel on the skin which will break down and sperate any fibrous bands of fat causing the appearance of cellulite. LPG Endermologie will stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin which in turn reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Surgery is the most invasive choice!

One of the last resorts for clients is surgery, this is the most invasive treatment and lasts longer than any others, the results can last for around three years. As well as these amazing treatments, clients can also use retinol creams, weight loss, toning and detox diets.

Book amazing anti cellulite treatments in Brighton right here!


Many people look for the best treatment for cellulite during the summer and often choose to look on PamperTree to find the best clinics. On this online directory you can also find the massage rollers and at-home treatments on the gift section. There are many options on PamperTree and clients can search for cellulite removal near you to find the best clinics and salons close by that offer the best service. You can also find cellulite spa treatments and so much more on PamperTree.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Anti-Cellulite Treatments in Brighton

Do these treatments really work?
Yes! With a regular treatment, clients will begin to notice an improvement in the appearance of cellulite on the skin and over time this reduces dramatically.
Which is the best treatment for cellulite?
Although everybody is different and not all treatments offer the same results for different skin types, the most popular treatment is the laser treatment due to its long lasting results for beautiful skin.
Will cellulite ever be completely removed?
There are many cellulite treatments that effectively reduce the appearance of cellulite along with regular exercise and weight loss, and there are always new developments being made to achieve complete cellulite removal over time.

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